Saturday, 19 December 2009
My Fire
Saturday, 5 December 2009
I've been working with sheep for nearly 6 years and usually check the flock at least once a day. From late September they can more or less be left alone.......In fact most Crofters take their annual holidays around this time.
There is plenty of grass for them to graze on. Prior to my dealings with sheep I considered them to be rather stupid creatures......Not true.
They are highly aware of their environment, in fact they can be an early warning for severe weather......
If they are huddled in a group...beware.....very bad weather is approaching....
It has taken me a very long time to capture the "flock" mentality......Here it is.
I'm not too sure what they are looking at, the really amazing thing that I have found is that they can rotate their ears nearly 300 degrees..........Once you have realised this and walk quietly through the flock observing their ears.........Very wierd.
Also I have found that I can approach them and get really close by avoiding eye contact...They obviously look at my eyes being a potential predator.
This brings me to another gem:
Hem......"The Fire Thief"........
Thursday, 3 December 2009
The Diver
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Wierd Skies
The Teleporters Wheel
One morning the sun was beaming through and...
this is what I saw.
Almost as though we are looking through a time portal provided by the Teleporters tyre....Strange.
Perhaps all Teleporters have such powers, they are very powerful beasts.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Mountains Rivers & Trees
Look to the Mountains, Rivers and Trees...
I've Climbed those Mountains, Fished the Rivers & Embraced the Trees.......
Rejoice.....That there are Mountains, Rivers and Trees....."
My words......helping me through HARD times.
The only thing missing here is the River......
So here it is....
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Ruby James - Every Good Thing Goes Away
So I had a look on you do. This video has only 2463 views.
The CD is not available on Amazon uk....well I can purchase a mp3 recording for 79p....and that's it.
I truly believe that the music industry is moving into cyberspace. Maybe that is the future but for those of us that DO appreciate hi-fi where do we go?......
Hey Gary could you see your way to sending me a copy of "Desert Rose" by Ruby James??
There are approx 14 copies available on Amazon US.....FOR $0.01.....mad.
So here it all its glory. Maybe I'm "harping" on about this lady a bit too much but hey if we all pass this link on....Perhaps we might just help her a wee bit. What do you think?
Sweaty, from the heart.
This Photo was taken near Scourie, Sutherland and seems to compliment the song.......
" Everything Good Thing Goes Away"........Ruby James
Sunday, 1 November 2009
The Roof
The roof.
Has taken me forever.
I guess if was prepared to work when its raining and windy....It would have been finished 3 years ago. Anyway I have completed the front main bit...and nearly half of the back......"Well done Iain"
When working I have the radio for company, powered by my sturdy generator. The selection is VERY limited, BBC Radio 2....MFR radio..
What a load of rubbish. I now realise why I live where I live......Its not that I'm anti-social......Or maybe I am.....Its just that when I listen to a national Radio called (BBC Radio number 2) I realise how different I am from the people who discuss certain topics on air.......on the Radio. It used to be called "The Wireless"......Imagine that. We should really be calling it "Wireless BBC Radio Number Two on behalf of the Labour Party and current Government".....Now there's a thought.
Whatever happened to Commercial Radio?, we had such an opportunity to provide a really good system. We blew it. Come back Radio Caroline......++ Radio Nord See....I miss you.
The complete bollocks that is being broadcast on our airwaves is a national disgrace.
Having visited the USA and heard their Radio Stations.....Why cannot we do the same?. After all we have enough of their TV....
Anyway, my roof will be finished next permitting....I extend an open invitation to all for the opening to be announced........and no Radio 2 or 3 or 4 or any other Government crap....up yours!.........I've moved to "SPOTIFY"......
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Clipping (Shearing)
No chance. The removal of the fleece involves much hard work for very little return.
My fourty sheep gave me a return of £30...Less than 75p per sheep's fleece.
Is it worth complaining? Who do you complain to? If you do find someone to complain to, will they listen?......This is Agriculture.
I live in an area of outstanding beauty, I have to pinch myself on a daily basis .....I wake up look outside and feel humble and privileged. However feeling such a way does not pay the bills.
Bertie Sutherland used to reckon that the best way forward for Crofting was to breed a new type of sheep.............half Elephant half Kangaroo......Big ears to accomodate the tagging regime and a pouch to place all the paperwork in!
Which brings me to a piece of music....."Above the tree tops" by Pat Metheney
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
The fresh morning sun shining on the web.
It only takes about 1 hr for the sun to evaporate the blink and you miss it.
Crazy colours. Reminds me of "Crazy Dreams" by Paul Brady.....
Perhaps not, maybe, Paul Brady and Mary Black "I will be there". Paul sings in "E" which is really high.
Mary starts out a wee bit nervous, then Paul kicks in with his powerful voice and gradually Mary gains her confidence and the track takes off. Lovely stuff.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Mother and Child
These two have been hanging around for a while, I saw the piece(s) almost immediately but needed to step back and make sure that my judgement was correct. In fact it probably only took about 1.5 hrs to get the Mother right, the Child had been created last year.
I'm really happy with the end result, as you can see from the gloss.....they are both highly polished and dare I say it....compliment each other.
Just need to find a Customer now........I suppose I could always buy them myself, yeah thats a good idea. Maybe not..........
I really love the way the Mother looks almost duck like....leaning forward. Can you hear her quacking??
Friday, 12 June 2009
Minister Of Police
Hmmmmmm I'm in a real dilemma now because I have a very good friend over the pond in Texas who used to be a Postman.........
Ok lets put this to good use.
I reckon that everyone should be a Postman/Woman for at least one day. What do you reckon Mark?
I've done it and I lasted three days, I take my hat off to all Postmen/Women, it is the most under-rated job in the World. You get abuse from everyone, nothing is ever right.
Ok they get paid to do the job, but hey when you approach a house, what do you expect?....Is the front door going to burst open and a mad axeman lurch towards you intent on chopping you into little bits?
Possibly not, highly probably not.....but you really dont know. One of my main fears when I used to drop (we called but you were out) was "THE DOG "....You would knock on the door/ring the bell and then wait, no sounds came from the house. Ok thats cool no ones home, write "We called and you were out note" and then put it through the letter box....
As your fingers enter the letter box with the note attached.....GGGRGRGRGRRGGR a mad dog leaps from no where and tries to chomp off your fingers....
Only Postmen/Women, Service People have experienced this phenomenon.....
Also it is the lack of consideration of the size of the letter box......."How the hell am I supposed to get this letter through such a small opening....?"..........
Very well Mr Johnstone....You have my respect (your Desert Island disc choices were a delight) but can you restore the peoples faith in "The Long Arm of The Law"?.......Cos right now I reckon it's just about as low as it can get........
Friday, 22 May 2009
Perhaps I'm doing too much. Being self employed........ if I don't get out of bed thats ok...I just dont earn any money.
I truly believe that the secret to a long life (ha! I will drop dead tomorrow now) is lack of stress. Sure I have stress with my Croft and animals...but its not that toe curling perpetual crawl around the M25 everyday.....
Anyway I got around to getting out of bed, well bits of me did..... and I suddenly had a fleeting glimpse of a previous life. Here it all its glory. Two very good friends. The two Johns.
Johnny Bowen & Johnny Sheen for ever mates.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Star and Garter Hotel Kew Bridge
I was just thinking how weird it would be to go back in time and walk into the pub and order a beer. What do you think the locals would make of you?....Bearing in mind this was taken around 1905.
I'm not convinced the atmosphere in the pub would be much different than today. The pub is close to the river, which always makes things interesting. The "Outrigger" in Kingston was a river pub....
I've always been drawn to river pubs, perhaps its the sound of water or maybe its that they attract scoundrels, vagabonds and thieves..........
Its no longer an looks as though its been converted to flats....amazingly the building has survived, two world wars, England winning the World Cup, The Miners strike, 3 day working week, Maggie, Blair, and SO FAR another coalition Government ..............check it out.
Monday, 20 April 2009
Votes for Women?.........Hmmmmm I'm still thinking about that one. Should it be allowed? Whatever next give them the vote and before you can count to 64 there will be a female Prime Minister...This obviously was a tough time for many women, interestingly the lady? holding the banner is characterised as very that a moustache I can see?....The smug look of the rozzer to the left....Very provocative. Have we really progressed? I saw some horrendous footage recently of a Policeman whacking a young girl on the leg with his baton..(G20) ..I'm sure he was being provoked.....but hey minimum force.
There again the current Minister for Police...(it makes it/her sound more sinister) is up to her neck in scandal.....Where will it all end?.........................The bidding for this card is now up to £14.65 is that the same amount that was paid for a smutty video? Or a bath plug?. Why are we being misled?...It is usually to distract us from the real issues. Which gets me to the point that I was trying to mae.west......Its a really great bit of social history and that people were prepared to die for their beliefs should not be forgotten. Has the vote for women changed our society? Do we really live in a world that is a better place?......I keep thinking about the smug expression on the rozzers face. In our time frame his boss is a woman..................Now does that make things clearer?
Saturday, 18 April 2009
West Langwell Spring Lambs 2009
Not sure about this one......her lambs are just so small..........and vulnerable
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
The Three Musketeers
Friday, 3 April 2009
Misty Roses
I was playing some Tim Hardin the other day and thought of this.
Some years back I was on a river boat trip with some friends. Justin played guitar and sang all afternoon, his repertoire was amazing. Misty Roses, Brass Buttons...... reverberated around the water, we travelled from Thames Ditton all the way to Kingston and back. The boats name was "Bricks and Mortar" it is still moored on Ash Island, Molesey, and is being cared for by the beautiful Sarah.
This photograph is of an old decaying combine harvester. A machine that worked hard for a very limited period in the year, its sole purpose was to gather the crop. After that it lay dormant for another 11 months. Now it sits in a field, forgotten and neglected...."You look to me like misty roses".
Sunday, 29 March 2009
I looked for the life vests and found one....."Its mine I shouted!"....there were no women or children aboard...I was very tempted to make Johnnie walk the plank but he is bigger than me and he was the Skipper.....Needless to say we survived......Once more. What I must say is that Ardmore is truly a magical place....the Vikings and our ancestors would have sailed into these sheltered bays taking refuge from the gales from the Atlantic.
John Ross has a mussel farm not far from here.........the mussels are....the best I have ever tasted....keep up the good work John.
This was a perfectly good colour photograph until I decided to muck about with it.................................In hind sight I really like it........................... so here it is!
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
By the side of the road (not captured on film) were thousands of empty beer cans....The aboriginals would get it together to collect these cans for the aluminium. Just occasionally I would spot a coke can and think "my god there's been a teetotaler along this way".
When I eventually arrived in Darwin....I found out that Territorians dont use Kilometers or Miles as a measure of distance.....they use the unit "Carton". A "Carton" consists of 24 cans of beer.....Therefore a trip from Darwin to Kathrine for example would be a 3 Carton trip, 150kms, or 72 cans of beer. This of course depended on how many people were travelling!.
If you asked how far it was from Darwin to Alice Springs????....Unknown................ because no one ever returned from Alice Springs to tell the tale............
Friday, 20 March 2009
Morags Mirrors
Each mirror reflects different shades of light, the original photograph was taken in black and white...I added the colour and created the water colour effect using photoshop.
Most images that I look at these days evokes music. This one especially so.
I took this photograph of my cousin Ali whilst fishing near The Witterings .......The sun was just right, no fish though.
Delbert McClinton - "ShotgunRider"
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Fleece on a Bramble
"Fleece on a bramble."
I saw this whilst walking the hill, why should it resemble a fleece?
Special moments, that you know cannot be repeated will be and should be engrained in the memory. How can nature "grab" a lump of fleece and "dump" it on a thorn but still leave a piece of beauty?.
"To pick a rose you ask your hands to bleed" 10,000 maniacs..............Eden.
"Tigerlilly** Natalie Merchant---Where I go"
Monday, 16 March 2009
Wabi Sabi
Look at "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy"......."Dads Army".....
Personally, I think anything that can make you cry is probably pretty close to Wabi Sabi.....
There again this sounds more like it.....
“Each today, well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and each tomorrow a vision of hope. Look, therefore, to this one day, for it and it alone is life,” Sanskrit Poem.
Or maybe this?
When visiting Bali, Indonesia I was walking through a small wooded area and I saw some flowers and a lit candle placed by the side of the path. This puzzled me, who would have thought of doing such a beautiful thing and why?.
Once back at my beach hut I asked a local why such things are done....His reply was "because they wanted to".....................
This must be the answer....I was sitting in the pub with a very good friend of mine, Martin Smith, and I related a story about the time I was staying in a Croft house in Sutherland. This is the story.
"I started to gaze into the fire and visions appeared, a grey mist started to creep around me, all time seemed to stand still"
"Oh!" said Martin "that happens to me everyday".........."Its called day dreaming"
Being Watched
They should receive about 1lb of hard feed per day + roughage ie hay.
The hardest thing to get used to is 40 very hungry animals looking at you at the same time....all a bit unnerving.
Once I'm out and about they will start to communicate their hunger....a baaa here and a baaa there.
After they have been fed I feel their unrest, they have to go for a wander. They travel down to the lower field and scavange what they can. Mostly mosses and old grass, if the sun is shining they will cruise the upper fields searching for that elusive blade of green grass. After such a long hard winter its hard not to feel an empathy with them, when the wind and rain approaches out of the south west it sends a shiver down my spine.
Yesterday was particularly bad, horizontal rain with a biting wind. The latest on the news was climate change.....hmmmmm they should visit Sutherland.
Not sure if you can see the Suffolk Cross (black face) the other side of the gate, well she was very lame since last Tuesday she's my best ewe, strong and full of she is walking just fine, all she needed was a bit of a rest and some warmer weather..........Just like me.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
The Land Of Grey and Pink
"Sounds of a distant melody"...."funny how it's clear now you're close to me.....dreams are always ending too soon"......
We survived..........................."just".........................If you were there, "The Land of Grey and Pink".
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Trunk Monkey
Please contact InuitCharlie for further details.
Make sure your speakers are turned down....this starts pretty loud!!
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Gertrude is due to have her lamb (yes she got scanned back in January) any time after 15th April.....
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Expedition to View Kilbraur Windfarm
The view was fantastic in fact the windmills really complemented our fence line...what is more pleasing the fence line or the windmills?.
The windmills appear to be randomly placed, my fence is long and straight and quite boring.
The hills in the distance are not obscured...not sure what all the fuss is about really.
The Green Party is now openly backing Nuclear Power....after years of protesting against it, how cynical is that?....If we can generate energy with the use of wind, why on earth do we not embrace it. Fusion power is the answer....well thats ok but how far away is that?
I look at the happy smiling faces of my two children and say to myself....if I have the power to decide or make decisions "let it be wind".
After a 4 mile hike just to see how the windmills impact on my backyard well I think the only answer is to visit Hughie and Barbera......Nice cuppa and maybe a wee dram...Charlie says that Barberas pancakes are the best in the world!
No windmills in sight, just the smoke blowing from Hughies chimney.
Hughie burns a combination of coal and wood, wouldn't it be great if he had a windmill that supplied him with cheap power. He is 91 and still capable of chopping wood, driving his tractor, quad bike and recently purchased Ford motor car.....Not to mention helping me during lambing!!.....
Well we did have a lovely cuppa...and needless to say a dram did touch my lips, however the conversation came around to banking. RBS in particular. Hughie was most upset that a person responsible for nearly 350 billion pounds of bad debts (we call it "toxic" debt now) could retire at 50 and have a pension of £650,000 per annum.
Surely we need to listen more to people like Hughie who are old enough and wise enough to guide us through the troubled seas that we are now trying to sail........
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Caught in the Cross Fire
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
We never saw the sunrise on the Bay....that I remember.... although I did meet a parrot and the only word he could say was "EARTHQUAKE!!"
"Lights"----Journey 1978
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Paulos Thoughts
Last night Suzy Quatro did a desert island disc style interview with bob harris on radio 2 which is worth a listen.....
More for his life story than the music. It struck me as an allegory of our generation...with a positive outcome in Bobs case. In several respects....And heres just one! years of formal education resulted in 2 "o" levels that clearly failed to ilustrate his potential. Then his father tried to make him follow his passion - a policing career. But his true potential came to light when he was able to follow the Thing for which he himself had a passion...This reflects a big chip I have with school and parents.
Of course our kids Screw Up and may prove terminal...but a risk worth my opinion...I heard one pundit suggest (in response to the crisis in schools vis a vis the curiculam choices, and questions about ability streaming, private versus state education standards, exam obsession/cramming by middle class parents) that the one thing that must be taught to all is reading, then forget all the rest, just get your kids to read read and read more books. This strikes me as a plain simple goal for a parent/institution with kids who are not thriving ( or even bothering to go!) to school. Like mine. Fields of knowledge are so vast now compared with just 50 years ago that a 'general' education is no longer feasable, hence the constant crises over the curiculam.
Factoid: The sum of human knowledge, from the dawn of Mankind to the end of WW2, could have fitted on to a single DVD. Expansion has been exponential. Now thousands of DVD's are required. We cant know it all any more!