BogPineArt Gallery.

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Thursday 26 February 2009

Caught in the Cross Fire

Dougie and Johnny flying past Ardmore...(Ridgeways Adventure place) Nothing at all to do with this....just thought it was a great photo......
"Yes".....I suppose that's about the only word I was capable of saying....I had been working in Sydney Australia for 6 weeks when I got the call......
"Iain" the guys in Dallas said we caint reproduce the same shit that you can...........So get it together and get your ass on a plane to Dallas...... now............

"Excuse me...I have tickets for a U2 concert at
Wembley on Saturday"....
"Ok get your ass back to the UK, watch the U2 gig, then get your ass on a plane to Dallas"
Its Friday in Sydney.....I make the U2 gig in the UK on the Saturday......I reckon that I was tripping just on the level of lack of sleep..................Man that was a concert.....Then on a plane to Dallas on the Sunday!
The boss (Fletch) met me at the airport....(I was shaky)....Off we went to the Lab.......Right guys this is how you break the kit....done deal....."Oh yeah we see what you mean now".........I had flown half way around the world and thats all they could say......bastards!
phew.............. Texans.................................
The only hotel that Fletch could find for me.... was yeah.... you got it.. MOTEL6.....I was so tired my eyes were red raw....
The room was ok..... I threw back the bedclothes and was about to jump into bed, when 4 cockroaches flew out of the I hallucinating??.....Music.... very..... loud music
was approaching my ears.......

Stevie Ray.................Taken away from us so early............

Thanks Mark...

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