BogPineArt Gallery.

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Sunday 29 March 2009

Ardmore on your right and heading West for Loch Laxford. We nearly ran aground...the tide was very high and we hit some rocks with the propeller.....booom!. Very spectactular...dont want to do that again.....ever.

I looked for the life vests and found one....."Its mine I shouted!"....there were no women or children aboard...I was very tempted to make Johnnie walk the plank but he is bigger than me and he was the Skipper.....Needless to say we survived......Once more. What I must say is that Ardmore is truly a magical place....the Vikings and our ancestors would have sailed into these sheltered bays taking refuge from the gales from the Atlantic.

John Ross has a mussel farm not far from here.........the mussels are....the best I have ever tasted....keep up the good work John.

This was a perfectly good colour photograph until I decided to muck about with it.................................In hind sight I really like it........................... so here it is!

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