BogPineArt Gallery.

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Thursday 12 March 2009


I caught Gertrude with a severe hangover yesterday. I think she had been celebrating the early spring arrival of Bill & Belle, two transient Oyster Catchers. This arrival usually indicates warmer and dare I say it?, drier weather. Watch this space.

Gertrude is due to have her lamb (yes she got scanned back in January) any time after 15th April.....


  1. ...LOL, she is sooo cute. Not sure about the warmer weather though, you still have snow on the ground!!! Have put away all my winter woollies down here in the south.

  2. Hi Gertrude, I'll talk quietly as that looks like a real bad hangover!! Hope to see you (and maybe your lamb if you've had it by then) when we come up at Easter.
