BogPineArt Gallery.

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Monday 16 March 2009

Being Watched

I feed my sheep twice a day, not sure why. I guess its instinct. They must be hungry so I feed them.
They should receive about 1lb of hard feed per day + roughage ie hay.
The hardest thing to get used to is 40 very hungry animals looking at you at the same time....all a bit unnerving.

Once I'm out and about they will start to communicate their hunger....a baaa here and a baaa there.

After they have been fed I feel their unrest, they have to go for a wander. They travel down to the lower field and scavange what they can. Mostly mosses and old grass, if the sun is shining they will cruise the upper fields searching for that elusive blade of green grass. After such a long hard winter its hard not to feel an empathy with them, when the wind and rain approaches out of the south west it sends a shiver down my spine.

Yesterday was particularly bad, horizontal rain with a biting wind. The latest on the news was climate change.....hmmmmm they should visit Sutherland.
Not sure if you can see the Suffolk Cross (black face) the other side of the gate, well she was very lame since last Tuesday she's my best ewe, strong and full of she is walking just fine, all she needed was a bit of a rest and some warmer weather..........Just like me.

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