BogPineArt Gallery.

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Friday 3 April 2009

Misty Roses

I was playing some Tim Hardin the other day and thought of this.

Some years back I was on a river boat trip with some friends. Justin played guitar and sang all afternoon, his repertoire was amazing. Misty Roses, Brass Buttons...... reverberated around the water, we travelled from Thames Ditton all the way to Kingston and back. The boats name was "Bricks and Mortar" it is still moored on Ash Island, Molesey, and is being cared for by the beautiful Sarah.

This photograph is of an old decaying combine harvester. A machine that worked hard for a very limited period in the year, its sole purpose was to gather the crop. After that it lay dormant for another 11 months. Now it sits in a field, forgotten and neglected...."You look to me like misty roses".

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