BogPineArt Gallery.

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Sunday, 1 November 2009

The Roof

The roof.

Has taken me forever.

I guess if was prepared to work when its raining and windy....It would have been finished 3 years ago. Anyway I have completed the front main bit...and nearly half of the back......"Well done Iain"

When working I have the radio for company, powered by my sturdy generator. The selection is VERY limited, BBC Radio 2....MFR radio..

What a load of rubbish. I now realise why I live where I live......Its not that I'm anti-social......Or maybe I am.....Its just that when I listen to a national Radio called (BBC Radio number 2) I realise how different I am from the people who discuss certain topics on air.......on the Radio. It used to be called "The Wireless"......Imagine that. We should really be calling it "Wireless BBC Radio Number Two on behalf of the Labour Party and current Government".....Now there's a thought.
Whatever happened to Commercial Radio?, we had such an opportunity to provide a really good system. We blew it. Come back Radio Caroline......++ Radio Nord See....I miss you.
The complete bollocks that is being broadcast on our airwaves is a national disgrace.
Having visited the USA and heard their Radio Stations.....Why cannot we do the same?. After all we have enough of their TV....
Anyway, my roof will be finished next permitting....I extend an open invitation to all for the opening to be announced........and no Radio 2 or 3 or 4 or any other Government crap....up yours!.........I've moved to "SPOTIFY"......



  1. Great progress I will look forward to the house worm.I am hopeing to have my Vincent Rapide ready
    later in the new year for its running in.Your place is the target.I just need 2000+ for parts and I`ll be there. Se ya Martin

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