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Friday 12 June 2009

Minister Of Police

This is great....We now have another Minister of Police.....The last one was a woman, now we have an Ex-Postman.....

Hmmmmmm I'm in a real dilemma now because I have a very good friend over the pond in Texas who used to be a Postman.........

Ok lets put this to good use.

I reckon that everyone should be a Postman/Woman for at least one day. What do you reckon Mark?

I've done it and I lasted three days, I take my hat off to all Postmen/Women, it is the most under-rated job in the World. You get abuse from everyone, nothing is ever right.

Ok they get paid to do the job, but hey when you approach a house, what do you expect?....Is the front door going to burst open and a mad axeman lurch towards you intent on chopping you into little bits?

Possibly not, highly probably not.....but you really dont know. One of my main fears when I used to drop (we called but you were out) was "THE DOG "....You would knock on the door/ring the bell and then wait, no sounds came from the house. Ok thats cool no ones home, write "We called and you were out note" and then put it through the letter box....

As your fingers enter the letter box with the note attached.....GGGRGRGRGRRGGR a mad dog leaps from no where and tries to chomp off your fingers....

Only Postmen/Women, Service People have experienced this phenomenon.....

Also it is the lack of consideration of the size of the letter box......."How the hell am I supposed to get this letter through such a small opening....?"..........

Very well Mr Johnstone....You have my respect (your Desert Island disc choices were a delight) but can you restore the peoples faith in "The Long Arm of The Law"?.......Cos right now I reckon it's just about as low as it can get........

1 comment:

  1. As a letter carrier I often carried in the downtrodden areas, where most of my patrons loved to see me because I brought their welfare, unemployment, or social security checks.

    The biggest risk was always loose dogs, sometimes running in packs. I have done battle with more dogs than I can count. Now I have been threatened with bodily harm by a very large, brutish lesbian because I gave her little pooch a playful kick or two to keep his teeth off of me.

    It is funny you mention the scenario of the door slot with the growling dog behind the door. I was careful to keep my fingers clear, but I can't deny I would occasionally enjoy a good tug of war with the dog violently tearing at the mail. Oops. ;-)

    By the way... do your Police Ministers carry a gun? Just wondering. As a citizen of Texas, I am now a licensed handgun carrier.

    Take care, Ian. KK and I will raise a dram of The Macallan to your health tonight.

