BogPineArt Gallery.

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Monday, 27 September 2010

The Guy That Says Goodbye

This was MY view of Loch Preas nan Sgiathanach yesterday evening. Mum used to say that if you can see three peaks on the horizon there will be a change in the weather.

Today it is glorious, not a cloud in the sky, we have had such bad weather......

Also, I have noticed that a full moon heralds a change in the weather. It was a full moon 2 nights back.
Unfortunately I missed the best shot, the Loch had distinct contrasts of colour, I went to change the batteries on the camera and by the time I got back this was the view.

We now have an addition to the family. Charlie came up with the name "Echo"........Not that I have to repeat things........

She is 11 weeks old and very very naughty.

Yesterday I found a dead lamb. She had been sick for a while, the recent cold night must have been the final nail in the coffin. How was I going to catch the mother?.

I made a small pen in the corner of the field and placed the dead lamb in it. Made sure Echo was well away from the action on the other side of the fence and tried repeatedly to coax the ewe into the corner...After the third attempt I noticed out of the corner of my eye Echo had managed to get through the fence and was helping me.......slowly we got the ewe to the corner....Echo was brilliant she just walked to my left watching me and watching the ewe.....When the ewe got close to her dead lamb she started to stamp her foot defending the lamb.....Echo took the hint and retreated slowly......I grabbed the ewe and walked her into my trailer.

Eleven weeks old and she helped me..............One of a kind....

"The guy that says goodbye to you is out of his mind"
Griffin House..........

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

The Cossack

Alec Vass........The "Cossack".........

We all await our fate, most people have their plots arranged. Alec was probably the most generous person that you could wish to meet. Sadly missed. Yet another character lost to the mists of time. Look at his face. Tell me that you cannot feel the wind, the rain, the driving snow.
A face etched by years of struggling against the elements

His eyes reflect a time where Highland Hospitality was at its prime.

This is not an epitaph. Just an observation.

We should all step back a wee bit sometimes and observe how we interact with this precious place we call Earth.

Late in the day, light is the most revealing.

Thanks Alec.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Red Sky In The Morning........

If you think it couldn't get any worse......ha I woke up to this the other day. Just blowing IN your mind.
Give it up to the shepherdess I reckon. Perchance to find one under the current financial crisis....Offers??
There wasn't a big storm but my scaffold took a bit of a hammering.......It moved three boards right off the scaffold.
I guess that's the least of my worries.

Look on the bright side I was offered a cat yesterday by Bridgette who lives in Blairich....I think its mentioned on the web somewhere...(Blairich...... not the cat!)....
Massive house and very lovely people.....I think the house has seven chimneys.....Oh yeah where was I?

Ready for the storm.......I reckon........"Quote"

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


There is a sky after all. I was beginning to doubt it. We seem to have had so much snow, grey skies. What's going on?

I love the combination of colours here, I'm trying to be optimistic and appreciate that Spring will surface eventually.

Its tantalisingly close, just like the blue sky in the background.

"SnowRush".........Slow down and observe.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

West Langwell Sky Burst








The Sky Burst one day over the Loch

A great big hole appeared
Would it consume us?
How did we know it was friendly?
Not the day to go fishing
Unless of course you are not scared of Sky Bursts
I'm scared of Sky Bursts
This kind of Sky Burst can mean many things
Most Sky Bursts are friendly.............
This one has that element of menace
The kind of menace that you meet on your way to the Loch
Just after lunch.

Thursday, 28 January 2010


This is how I feel right now.
After the Xmas and New Year craziness, everywhere I go all I can see is mud.
The snow has melted, but there is still the memory of the uniformity of the snow flake embellished in the mud.
Here it is.
The memory of a snowflake in the mud....

Perhaps we should take a few moments to reflect on Haiti and all the people suffering over there, as so often happens after disasters like this, the Worlds media moves away and the focus is less and less.
I know from personal experience that this is so.

The World needs a "Heart of Gold"..........Neil Young


I took this in colour on my silly little mobile phone which actually has a fairly low resolution 2megs I think. I then converted it to greyscale on paintshop pro........By adjusting the brightness its actually turned into a half decent photo.#
Oh by the way
We had loads of snow but not many photos I'm afraid.
My neighbour, Hughie was taken ill over the New Year and I had to 'phone 999...He was being violently sick and drifting in and out of consciousness....Almost thought I would have to take his teeth out and perform mouth to mouth....Didn't relish that.
There were blizzard conditions, in fact it went "whiteout" for a while. There was no way a helicopter could land or the ambulance get through the snow drifts, so I 'phoned Mackie who has the biggest tractor in the world and snow plough.
He made it and rescued Hughie....boy was I glad to see him and the tractor steaming through the drifts. Hughie has recovered and is now back at home.....Best place for him.

"One last breath" Creed
