BogPineArt Gallery.

Please view my Gallery blogsite for further information:

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Mountains Rivers & Trees

Look to the Mountains, Rivers and Trees...
I've Climbed those Mountains, Fished the Rivers & Embraced the Trees.......

Rejoice.....That there are Mountains, Rivers and Trees....."

My words......helping me through HARD times.

The only thing missing here is the River......

So here it is....

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Ruby James - Every Good Thing Goes Away

There I was just cruising on "Spotify"....And after far too long I found this Gem by Ruby James "Every thing good goes away".....

So I had a look on you do. This video has only 2463 views.

The CD is not available on Amazon uk....well I can purchase a mp3 recording for 79p....and that's it.

I truly believe that the music industry is moving into cyberspace. Maybe that is the future but for those of us that DO appreciate hi-fi where do we go?......
Hey Gary could you see your way to sending me a copy of "Desert Rose" by Ruby James??
There are approx 14 copies available on Amazon US.....FOR $0.01.....mad.

So here it all its glory. Maybe I'm "harping" on about this lady a bit too much but hey if we all pass this link on....Perhaps we might just help her a wee bit. What do you think?

Sweaty, from the heart.

This Photo was taken near Scourie, Sutherland and seems to compliment the song.......
" Everything Good Thing Goes Away"........Ruby James

Sunday, 1 November 2009

The Roof

The roof.

Has taken me forever.

I guess if was prepared to work when its raining and windy....It would have been finished 3 years ago. Anyway I have completed the front main bit...and nearly half of the back......"Well done Iain"

When working I have the radio for company, powered by my sturdy generator. The selection is VERY limited, BBC Radio 2....MFR radio..

What a load of rubbish. I now realise why I live where I live......Its not that I'm anti-social......Or maybe I am.....Its just that when I listen to a national Radio called (BBC Radio number 2) I realise how different I am from the people who discuss certain topics on air.......on the Radio. It used to be called "The Wireless"......Imagine that. We should really be calling it "Wireless BBC Radio Number Two on behalf of the Labour Party and current Government".....Now there's a thought.
Whatever happened to Commercial Radio?, we had such an opportunity to provide a really good system. We blew it. Come back Radio Caroline......++ Radio Nord See....I miss you.
The complete bollocks that is being broadcast on our airwaves is a national disgrace.
Having visited the USA and heard their Radio Stations.....Why cannot we do the same?. After all we have enough of their TV....
Anyway, my roof will be finished next permitting....I extend an open invitation to all for the opening to be announced........and no Radio 2 or 3 or 4 or any other Government crap....up yours!.........I've moved to "SPOTIFY"......
